Saturday, 16 January 2010

Wish I...

Wish I had more talent, then I could do so much more for God.

Wish I had more money, then I could give so much more to God.

Wish I had more time at my disposal, then I would do lots for God.

Wish I was smart, talkative and outgoing, then I would reach out to people better for God.

Wish I was as good as my friend, then I would be better in everything that I do for God, Others and Myself.

This is how we think don't we! We always have some negative questions that keep coming to our minds, which hinder us from being our best and being what God wants us to be.

Have we been doing things to the fullest of our potential or have we been complaining and whining about things we do not possess and things we do not have?

God has made all of mankind, unique and has blessed everyone with unique abilities, yet we fail to understand the ability that we possess. We always look at what we don't have and put a lid on what we actually have or end up ignoring it.

Someone said "God looks at your availability", so are we available to him?

This brings to my mind the story of the little boy who brought the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes to Jesus. It is common sense that it was far less than what is required to feed a big crowd of 5000 people, but then he gave that into the Hands of the Miracle Maker who blessed it and gave it to the disciples.

when the disciples finished serving to the crowd, (mind you it was a huge crowd) there was food left over, which was collected in 12 baskets.

Isn't that amazing?

That is what happens when You and I, submit into God's hands, You become a blessing to many, just the way, the little boy was.

Then why is it that we still have those doubts in our minds? Why are those Ifs and Buts in our minds always? Why do we keep wishing for something we do not have?

Let's learn from the little boy and discern in our hearts to use whatever we have to lift the name of Jesus and to glorify His Holy Name. So, no matter how little we have or how limited we are in terms of talent and resources, let us learn to use whatever we have for the Glory of God.

Commit yourself into His Hands, He knows best on how to use you and further increase you.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

Yours' in Christ,

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