Thursday, 28 January 2010

Christ Is All And In All

Christ divided History into two: AD and BC making History become "His Story". Whether one realizes or not everyone is associated with AD or BC directly. To get a passport or to register a child in school, an acceptable date of birth must always have "In the Year of Our Lord". No contract, no transaction no cheques not even a letter put in mail box is valid without a stamped date thereby acknowledging "the year of our Lord" and His lordship over very action that takes place in universe. Apart from Jesus the Universe remains a riddle and History an engima and the Bible a dead latter- Why? Jesus said "All authority has been given to me on heaven and on earth" Matthew 28:12. All things were made through Him and without Him

nothing was made that was made.- John 1:3

To the inner circle of His people, Christ is everything. Those who know Him best love him most. Those who make a clean break with sin and the world for His sake find Him in all. Christ is everything to us in our relationship with God. The natural man may scorn when he hears the gospel of Salvation through the substitutionary work of Christ Jesus on the cross. Those who know Him have proved that there is real salvation to be foound only in Him.

He is our constant Companion, Counselor, Confidant, Our indewlling sympathizer, Sustainer, Sanctifier, Satisfier, Our never failing refuge in every crisis, disappointment and trial. He is our secret source of strength and cheerfulness for day to day hum-drum routine and testings. He guides us and guards us. He shares our life with us through sunshine and shade, lining every cloud of sorrow with heavenly gold and painting a rainbow of reassurance over every stormy sky. through our pilgrim way He is a "friend that sticketh closer than a brother" with glorious love surpassing that of Jonathan for David. And, oh He is so much more than what we can ever outwardly express. As the text says,"Christ is all. He is both divine and human, He is both loving and Almighty and his power which upholds the Universe, yes Christ is All. People of the world still cry "Away with Him" But heaven says "One died for All".

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