Monday, 1 February 2010

Letter from Heavenly Father

My child, I tell you, My arms are lonely for you. I am weeping: for I have
so much to give unto you! Why will you not receive it? I long for you to
know the depths of My love.

Even My blood has been shed for you! How much more can I tell you of
My love? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends” (John 15:13).

Do you think this is a longing to get? Rather, it is a longing to give. Do you
think that I have any lack? Rather, you have a very great lacking in your
heart, one that only I can fill - one that I long to fill. You say that I am your Savior you confess the name of Jesus Christ, and you do well yet why is it that do you not seek Me with all your heart?

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
-Colossians 3:2-3

Will you use Me only for your gain? I love you more than you can possibly
imagine, and I delight to give you My salvation - yet why do you purpose
in your heart to use Me only for your own gain?

Beloved, you called to Me and asked for mercy, and without fail I answered
you, and I imparted unto you My salvation. Yet soon thereafter, you turned
your face from Me, continuing in your old ways, and looking to your old
loves. Why have you dealt so treacherously with Me when I have been so
faithful to you? Do you not know that I can and will give you so much more
than all others?1 I want only to give. I want only to bless. Yet when I come
Your adulteries sting Me, and your cheatings are as bitterness to Me. In My
embrace, I will only love, and only heal, and only bless - yet you only turn
from Me. Your sayings are continually, “forgive me,” and “I am sorry.” Yet
you turn to Me only half-heartedly.2 You are a faker., for you do not love
Me as you ought.

Truly, even those things which you call “good” are vile to Me, so long as
they steal away your love from Me. Oh My love! I am jealous over you with
a burning and fiery jealousy! Have I not bought you with a very great
price? I have purchased you with My very own blood!4 Why then do you
give your love to another? Why will you not trust Me with all your heart?

I am your ever-faithful, ever-true, ever-patient, and ever-merciful Father

“I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people,
which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own
thoughts;” -Isaiah 65:2

I bring only freedom. I am only salvation. I am light, and in Me
is no darkness at all.

I long to give you My love. I long to bless. I long to comfort you. I long to take
away your deep sorrows. Yet how can I if you refuse Me? I offer you My
heart, yet you refuse even My hand.
Truly, your heart is a special and dear throne to Me, and yet you cast Me
down and out with your own selfishness, and with the ones you love. You
cast Me out, and fill your beautiful temple with abominable and repulsive
things. You cast down your very Creator

My rebellious yet ever-beloved child, how I still love you! How My heart
still pulses for you! Would it not be much more pleasant to return unto Me
in all faithfulness? Return to Me, and I will heal you. Return, and turn to Me with your whole
heart, and do not cling to your old ways, nor to your old loves. I will give
to you all that you will ever need, even more: your cup shall run over.

Compiled by:
Sandhya Mani

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