Saturday, 27 February 2010

Neither Give Place To Devil

We are to leave a vacant place for the devil. He is always on the lookout for the empty moment, the unoccupied circumstance, in which he can obtain a foothold and begin his nefariuos work. Our only safety is to fill everything with holy purpose and achievement; to fill it so full of God that there is no room left for the foe.

When we delay the performance of a duty we are giving place to the devil. When we say to the Lord, in answer to His command, "Suffer me first to...." we are offering the unfilled place to the devil. He loves the delays of Christian, their dilatoriness, their reluctance, their postponements and adjournments, because in the vacant hours he builds his own abode. If my brother has aught against me and I delay the rectification of the wrong, the wrong is aggravated and embittered, for the devil has used the delay to extend his evil dominion.

When we do our duty half heartedly we offer the other half as a place for the devil. He loves the half hearted, for they always provide him a home. They offer only a room or two to the Lord, and he takes the rest for himself. So that even our partial consecrations give him a foothold and he uses it to extend his boundaries. A maimed discipleship always offers chances to the devil, and he leaps at the smallest chance. Give him an inch, he will begin his work as though he had a mile, and a mile he will soon have! Give him a empty port, and soon he will have a country. Only let him land, and he will never rest till his invasion is complete.

Break up, oh, break up the font, my God, and stir the soul of me,
As I have seen Thee loose Thy winds and stir the mighty sea.
When calm is settling over my life, and listlessly i strive,
Tear loose the bonds the bind me, Lord, and shake my soul alive.

Friday, 12 February 2010

He Is Altogether Lovely

What a glorious fact it is that there is one life that can be held up before the eyes of humanity as a perfect pattern! There were lips that never spoke unkindness, that never uttered an untruth; there were eyes that never looked aught but love and purity and bliss; there were arms that never closed against wretchedness or penitence; there was a bosom which never throbbed with sin, nor ever was excited by unholy impulse; there was a Man free from all undue selfishness, and whose life was spent in going about doing good.

There was One who loved all mankind, and who loved them more than Himself, and who gave Himself to die that they might live; there was One who went into the gates of death, that the gates of death might never hold us in; there was One who lay in the grave, with its dampness, its coldness, its chill, and its horror, and taught humanity how it might ascend above the grave; there was One who, though He walked on earth, had His conversation in heaven, who took away the curtain that hid immortality from the view, and presented to us the Father God in all His glory and in all His love.

Such an One is the standard held up in the Church of Christ. The Church rallies round the Cross and gathers around Jesus; and it is because He is so attractive, and lovely, and glorious, that they are coming from the ends of the earth to see the salvation of God.

Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
Upon the Savior's brow;
His head with radiant glories crowned,
His lips with grace o'erflow.
Since from His bounty I receive
Such proofs of love divine,
Had I thousand hearts to give,
Lord, they should all be Thine.

Monday, 8 February 2010

The Confessions Of Clay

Until Your Wounded Foot found me in dirt
Unwanted and unliked, wayside I laid and fret
Scorned and trampled by guilt and shame
Lost in solitude with humiliated name

Your touch, your care and your grace
And the loving gaze, I saw on your glowing face
I don't merit this marvelous love, in silence, I weep
Oh! You've pulled me out from such deep

I was, then, raw, rugged and shapeless
To offer, I had in me, nothing priceless
You carried me, yet, to your refining room
From the chasms of separation, I am now Home

So tearful, so demanding, Your refining wheel
From the dross of my dreams and desires of soul
Fire of Cross to bear in every step forward
Cleansed to be used for you, my eternal reward

You are my designer, the transfomer of my past
You pursue the forgotten and seek the weak and lost
I will be the vessel that ever carries your glory
Letting the world see your abundant grace in my story.

Cultivating Christian Character

We live in a post-modern world. The greatest need of the hour is the availability of men of character. Universities and colleges focus on knowledge and the development of skills. Children and youth who focus only on knowledge and developing skills will not be prepared for a fulfilling life as adults.

Life demands more than knowledge and skill. Athletes must respect others or they will be ejected from the game. Business professionals must operate ethically or they may be imprisoned. Parents must model good values or their children may bring them shame. In addition to knowledge and skill they need to cultivate good character.

What is character? Character is the array of chosen values on which as person's moral or ethical actions and reactions are based. Good character helps a person resist destructive influences, and burning temptations.

Good character inspires a person to build lasting and stabilizing relationship.

The Bible says "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; all things have become new". But we know, even after rebirth, we are not free from anger, jealousy, covetousness, lust of the flesh, lust of eye and pride of life and the like. It was easier for the Israelites to get out of Egypt than to get Egypt out of them! To develop a distaste for the Egyptian onions and garlic was not easy (Num 11:5) They had to struggle. So also in Christian life we don't grow from boyhood to adulthood over night. Having tasted the mercy of God and the milk of His Word, we must take conscious and consistent effort to develop a dislike for all malice(1 Peter 2:1-3). Let us long for Christ like character. It is good to sing the following chorus as the day breaks everyday:

Change my heart O, God
Make it ever true
Change my heart O, God
May I be like you
You are the potter
I am the clay
Mould me and make me
This is what I pray....

Thursday, 4 February 2010

'Behold I Will Do New Thing'

God is our Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. Once He created heaven and earth, animals, plants, trees and finally He created man and woman. Remember our God is ever active. Though He created the whole universe in seven days, He takes several years to make a man whole. He breaks, melts, moulds, shapes and makes us walk in the newness of life. We are the clay and He is the potter. Allow Him to mould us into His image. In the Bible there is a beautiful picture of a new day in our life. "My beloved spoke, and said to me "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes gives us a good smell, rise up, my love, my fair one and come away! O my dove, in the cliffs of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voices; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely." Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes. My beloved is mine, and I am his. He feeds his folk among the lilies. Until the day breaks and the shadow flee away, turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag upon the mountains of Bether(Song of Solomon 2:10-17).

Renewal of life is not available in a supermarket, beauty parlour not even in a university. The answer is always very simple. Newness of life is recieved through new birth from above, baptism in the water, and baptism in the Holy Spirit. In the words of Watchman Nee, the famous Chinese Christian leader "Sit, stand and walk" is the secret of a renewed life. Take time to sit with the Master Jesus Christ, stand against all tactics of the enemy Satan and the work, walk with God.

Prayer: Father, God, I yield myself to you, I beseech you to do a new thing in my life.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

God's Deadly Sience !!

For a believer in Christ the relationship with God is a living relationship because it is a relationship with the living God. This living relationship is possible because God and the worshipper are always in the talking terms. The worshipper talks to God in worship, prayer and meditation. And God responds in various ways: sometimes by giving them great joy with his presence, sometimes by answering prayers and sometimes by endowing them with with the "peace that transcends all understanding" (Phil 4:4) in order to pass through the difficult patches in their life.

NOW READ ON........

God's word creates! that's what we learn from the first chapter of Genesis. Peter summarizes the whole thing in just one verse: "But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water" (2Peter 3:5)

God speaks because he is the living God. He speaks to guide his people, to tell what is going to happen, etc. False God's cannot speak or reveal themselves to their followers because they are dead. Psalms 115 describes what is dead gods like:
"But their idols are silver and gold, made by the hands of men. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see; they have ears, but cannot hear, noses but cannot smell; they have hands but cannot feel, have feet but they cannot walk; nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them. (Psalms 115:4-8)."

However, there are times when this relationship turns to a monologue. At times we don't hear God speaking to us. The psalmist in Psalms 28 is going through that experience and he expresses his fear in verse 1: "If you remain silent, I will be like those who have gone down to the pit(meaning: grave)." Many times we don't care when we haven't heard from God! However, a person like this psalmist cannot afford to live without hearing God's voice daily. I wish I had this longing for the voice of God and dependence on a living and speaking God.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The Glorious Coming

One day, In the Evening....
The cows in the fields were grazing quietly,
Playing around too, but attentively,
Every creature on earth were hurrying,
Their ears positioned as if alert, waiting....
Is It Today?

Doctors went around treating their patients,
Busy world manufacturing tech-chip students,
Geologists, scientists, around the earth running,
But His Chosen had their prepared hearts daily saying....
Is It Today?


The clouds began to part, brilliant light braking through,
Mighty mountains shudder, water flow stilled,
Trees bend, the whole universe suddenly getting quieter, then,
A sudden cry of a newborn leaf was heard....
Is It He?

The creation began to shake and tremble,
For it knows its Holy Creator well,
Skies break, seas roar, earth tears, the core begins to melt,
Confusion turns its head and screams.......
Is It He?


Lightening flashes and thunder shouts, "Holy!!"
Angels in rows cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy!!"
Wordly eyes strain to see, its ears keen; they're shocked and awe,
But His Chosen smile a knowing smile, for they know,
It Is He!

Pillars holding the earth snap in fear, at the cry of the Angels,
"He is Power! Wealth! Wisdom and
Strength, Honour, Glory and Praise to Him!!"
Living Book opens, Graves break, Holy martyrs sing,
It Is He!


The eyes of Flaming Fire blazed as He looked,
Reflecting the white snow like hair,
Seven lighted torches burning before the Holy Throne,
Peals of Thunder broke as He opened His mouth,
Calling his Chosen....
"Come, It Is I,
Alpha and Omega!!"

Dear friends are you ready? There is no time left. Jesus is coming soon.....
Lets gather the huge harvest for the Kingdom of God.... till we hear him
tarry not: Dont miss his call.

What If......? What If......? What If .............??

What if.....?
God couldn't take the time to Bless us today
because we could not take time to thank Him yesterday.....

What if.....?
God decided to stop leading us tomorrow because
we didn't follow Him today.....

What if....?
God didn't walk with us today because we failed
to recognize it as His day.....

What if......?
We never saw another flower bloom because we
grumbled when God sent the rain.......

What if......?
God stopped loving and caring for us because we
failed to love and care others........

What if......?
God took away the Bible tomorrow, Because we
would not read it today......

What if.....?
God took away His message because we failed to
listen to His message......

What if....?
God met our needs the way we give Him our

What if.....?
God didn't send His only begotten Son because He
wanted us to prepare to pay the price of sin....

What if.....?
God answered our prayers the way we answer His
call to service.....

What if.....?
The door to the church was closed because we did
not open the door of our hearts.....

What if.....?
God would not hear us today because we would
not listen to Him yesterday.....

What if.....?
We failed to pass this message on.......

Monday, 1 February 2010

Dying To Live, Sorry I am Too Busy

The success of life lies in how much one learns from the events in history and from the mistakes of those who trod the face of the earth before we did. But history repeats itself.

The ability to learn from our failures seems to be vanishing.

The turmoil and tension prevailing in the individual, the family and the society at large is a pointer to this fact. Everybody is dying to live and we are too busy that we do not have the time to think of our actions, failures and triumphs.

No one has the time to appreciate neither the stars nor the ocean. The daily walk to the office may be through garden but there is no appreciation of the flowers. We are so busy that we can never think of appreciating neither our neighbors nor childrens around. Yet we find time to criticize!!

This mad rush to succeed is taking away even the magic of childhood. The kids are overburdened and pushed to the limits so much so that they get tired of it. We are trying to churn out super kides in the process we dress them in adulthood while they are still kids. We have the best intentions, of course. We want children to be happy; we equate happiness with success. And we fervently believe that success won't come unless we give the child a head start-a jump on the competition as it was.

"Why are we so keen to mould children into successful adult, instead of treasuring their genuineness and carefree innocence?"

Teenage and Youth bereft of innocence leads to trying short cuts and programs to acheive fame and success. The Youths have completely missed the mark in defining happiness. Who is responsible?

Filling we with programs and schedules is just activity and carries no gain.

It is either too late or never that one realizes the fact that peace lies within the mind and that it is not based on the extent of riches, beauty or of education that one possesses. If we are too busy to attend church, too busy to read our Bibles, too busy to minister to the needs of those around us. In our lives we are simply too busy!! To be busy is not a sin, to be too busy can be.

The danger in being too busy lies in not allowing quality time for God, or family, our neighbors, and ourselves. If our lives are such that we push God and our loved ones aside, or that we refuse to help others because we simply can't find the time. we need to re-evaluate our schedules.

It is never too late to understand that the meaning of life is in knowing Jesus.

To know Him requires time and passion.

Slow down and think about it.

Are you too busy???

Change My Heart Oh God !!!

Developing Christian Character should be the goal of our llife. Every genuine servant of Christ will be happy whenever someone says I want to be like Christ. One trait that made Jesus different from others is humility. There are very few things asa beautiful as humility. It is one of the most important character traits we can have. Humility is the opposite of pride and arrogance.

Humility is defined as being submissive, not proud or arrogant. It also means to be respectful and meek and to have a modest opinion of one self. Paul said that we are to show true humility to all men (Titus 3:2)

We are instructed: "Do nothing out of our selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than you (Phil 2:3). God wants us to seek humility and righteousness. To be humble is to recognize the truth about our own inadequaces and shortcomings and the truth about His perfect will for our lives. God has strong warnings for the proud and great comfort for the humble. God said, "I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible (Isa 13:11)". This is the one I esteem, he who is humble and contrite in spirit and tremble at my word (Isa 66:2)

The ultimate example of humility was Jesus. Jesus did the most humble act of all time when he suffered the humiliation of the Cross. Jesus' entire life was one of humility as He took the form of a servant. Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart (Matt 11:29)". Ephesians 4:2 tells to follow Jesus' example and be completely humble and gentle

Letter from Heavenly Father

My child, I tell you, My arms are lonely for you. I am weeping: for I have
so much to give unto you! Why will you not receive it? I long for you to
know the depths of My love.

Even My blood has been shed for you! How much more can I tell you of
My love? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends” (John 15:13).

Do you think this is a longing to get? Rather, it is a longing to give. Do you
think that I have any lack? Rather, you have a very great lacking in your
heart, one that only I can fill - one that I long to fill. You say that I am your Savior you confess the name of Jesus Christ, and you do well yet why is it that do you not seek Me with all your heart?

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
-Colossians 3:2-3

Will you use Me only for your gain? I love you more than you can possibly
imagine, and I delight to give you My salvation - yet why do you purpose
in your heart to use Me only for your own gain?

Beloved, you called to Me and asked for mercy, and without fail I answered
you, and I imparted unto you My salvation. Yet soon thereafter, you turned
your face from Me, continuing in your old ways, and looking to your old
loves. Why have you dealt so treacherously with Me when I have been so
faithful to you? Do you not know that I can and will give you so much more
than all others?1 I want only to give. I want only to bless. Yet when I come
Your adulteries sting Me, and your cheatings are as bitterness to Me. In My
embrace, I will only love, and only heal, and only bless - yet you only turn
from Me. Your sayings are continually, “forgive me,” and “I am sorry.” Yet
you turn to Me only half-heartedly.2 You are a faker., for you do not love
Me as you ought.

Truly, even those things which you call “good” are vile to Me, so long as
they steal away your love from Me. Oh My love! I am jealous over you with
a burning and fiery jealousy! Have I not bought you with a very great
price? I have purchased you with My very own blood!4 Why then do you
give your love to another? Why will you not trust Me with all your heart?

I am your ever-faithful, ever-true, ever-patient, and ever-merciful Father

“I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people,
which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own
thoughts;” -Isaiah 65:2

I bring only freedom. I am only salvation. I am light, and in Me
is no darkness at all.

I long to give you My love. I long to bless. I long to comfort you. I long to take
away your deep sorrows. Yet how can I if you refuse Me? I offer you My
heart, yet you refuse even My hand.
Truly, your heart is a special and dear throne to Me, and yet you cast Me
down and out with your own selfishness, and with the ones you love. You
cast Me out, and fill your beautiful temple with abominable and repulsive
things. You cast down your very Creator

My rebellious yet ever-beloved child, how I still love you! How My heart
still pulses for you! Would it not be much more pleasant to return unto Me
in all faithfulness? Return to Me, and I will heal you. Return, and turn to Me with your whole
heart, and do not cling to your old ways, nor to your old loves. I will give
to you all that you will ever need, even more: your cup shall run over.

Compiled by:
Sandhya Mani